正在播放: 外姓兄弟 | 第03集


  • 2018 2.0


    本片以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为内在逻辑,展示了在创新、协调、绿色、开放和共享的新发展理念下中国这五年的伟大成就,展现了中国人民在全面建设小康征程上的伟大奋斗,彰显了以习近平同志为核心的党中央的正确领导。凝聚起全党全国人民的磅礴力量,为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦不断前进。                                                                    中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会绘制了中国未来发展的宏伟蓝图,由中央电视台、中国电

  • 2023 5.0
  • 2023 9.0
  • 2002 2.0


    莫斯科街头,花季少女莉莉亚(奥莎娜·阿金什那 Oksana Akinshina饰)正向朋友吹嘘即将随母亲移居美国。可到家之后,母亲告诉她要留下来跟姑妈生活。而姑妈则趁机霸占她的房子,把她赶到一幢肮脏破旧的公寓去住。莉莉亚那童话般的幻想瞬间崩塌,此时她终于相信被母亲遗弃了。孤独无助的莉莉亚只能从她唯一的朋友男孩沃洛佳(波古查史基 Artyom Bogucharsky饰)那里得到一丝安慰。为了活下去,莉莉亚也被迫走上了靠出卖肉体为生的道路。当善良天真的莉莉亚以为遇到真爱的时候,便不顾一切的去了瑞典。可她又怎会知道,这地狱般的生活其实才刚刚开始……童星奥莎娜·阿金什那凭借这个角色获得2002年欧洲电影奖最佳女演员的提名

  • 2022 9.0


    “Louis Armstrong's Black & Blues” offers an intimate and revealing look at the world-changing musician, presented through a lens of archival footage and never-before-heard home recordings and personal conversations. This definitive documentary, directed by Sacha Jenkins, honors Armstrong's legacy as a founding father of jazz, one of the first internationally known and beloved s...

  • 2018 8.0



  • 2013 8.0



  • 2018 2.0


    Detective Jay Swan is assigned to investigate a mysterious disappearance on an outback cattle station. Soon, Jay's investigation uncovers a past injustice that threatens the fabric of the whole community.

  • 1959 5.0



  • 2014 1.0


    孔武有力的夏侯武(甄子丹 饰)曾是佛山武馆合一门的弟子,当年他争强好胜,在香港担任教官时与他人比武,结果失手将对方打死最终锒铛入狱。三年后的某天,闹市街头发生一宗离奇车祸,死者似乎在车祸前就被武功高强之人残忍杀害。夏侯武在狱中看到该新闻,心知在此背后有一场针对武林中人的猎杀正有条不紊地展开。他强烈要求面见重案组总督察陆玄心(杨采妮 饰),由于言中接下来命案的遇害者,终于取得陆督察的信任,得以协助警方办案。与此同时,先天残疾却练得一身绝技的封于修(王宝强 饰)四处挑战隐于闹市的高手,更在获胜后将他们无情杀害。   武林波涛汹涌,夏侯武和封于修迎来对决的终极时刻……

  • 2016 4.0



  • 2009 5.0


    A police inspector Dusan investigates an unusual case, the death of Marjan Ozim. The inspector develops an obsession with the case, especially when he realizes it was suicide. He starts to live in the deceased's apartment, digging through his life, getting involved with people Marjan Ozim knew, gradually taking over his identity. As the story progress, the reasons for the inspector's obsession are revealed step by step. One of them is death of his daughter Eva, who died in a car accident, when Dusan was driving the car. His ex-wife blames him for theirs daughter's death in the accident, which took place on the very same bridge where Marjan Ozim committed suicide. From time to time, Dusan returns to the bridge, the location of both accidents, where he looks down into the abyss below, perhaps considering taking his own life. Dusan develops an unusual relationship with Marjan's former secret lover Milena. He finds out that she blames herself for Marjan's death, because she left him to return to her family. Eventually she discovers that Marjan had other lovers while he was seeing her. This beautiful, somewhat mysterious woman enraptures Dusan as well. The dividing line between inspector Dusan's and the Marjan Ozim's life is slowly disappearing. Once, in a surge of passion, Dusan and Milena make love in the Marjan's apartment, with Dusan ?in the role? of Marjan. As the moment of passion fades, this brief relationship also turns out to be just another blind alley for Dusan. By the end of the film, it becomes uncertain whether Dusan is even investigating the suicide of Marjan Ozim, or actually his own. A film that starts as a police thriller and then continues as an intimate thriller. Film where death is waiting to happen.

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