正在播放: 咱们相爱吧 | 第44集


  • 2007 10.0


    人老心不老的鲁本·蒂什科夫拿出全部家当与威利·班克合伙经营赌场饭店但他忘了,在拉斯韦加斯这个光怪陆离、骗盗横行的地方,防范之心是最不可或缺的。班克混迹赌城多年,奸诈手段让他在此如鱼得水。他骗尽鲁本的钱财,将赌场据为己有。老鲁本不堪如此沉重的打击,从此一病不起。 鲁本的遭遇激怒了他的好友丹尼·奥逊,在对威利劝说无效的情况下,他重新集结了包括罗斯蒂·雷恩、莱纳斯·凯德维尔在内的十三位罗汉,准备对班克赌场进行入侵。7月3日午夜,班克赌场开业,这注定是一个不平凡的夜晚……

  • 2019 2.0


    当一名护士下载一个声称可以预测一个人死亡时间的应用时,它告诉她,她仅剩三天的生命。 随着时间的流逝、未知的某人物阴魂不散,她必须在时间耗尽之前找到一种方法来自救。

  • 2004 1.0


    人头攒动的火车站里,一名男子的身影显得格外突兀,男子名叫杰尼(吉姆·罗斯·斯图尔特 Kim Rossi Stuart 饰),此刻,他正焦虑又激动的等待着他素未谋面的儿子保罗(安德烈·罗西 Andrea Rossi 饰)。保罗天生带有残疾,杰尼此次的目的就是带领保罗去接受更好的治疗。 父亲这个头衔带来的沉重压力让杰尼一时之间无法适应,而乖巧的保罗则在这种时刻中扮演起了安慰和照顾他的角色,这让杰尼十分宽慰。在医院里,杰尼结识了和自己境遇相同的女人妮可(夏洛特·兰普林 Charlotte Rampling 饰),后者给予了他很大的帮助。为了进一步拉近自己和保罗之间的距离,两人决定踏上旅程,在旅程的终点,隐藏着保罗的心愿。©豆瓣

  • 1948 7.0


    Somewhere in the remote region, the war ends. In the midst of ruined cities and houses in the streets, in rural hamlets, everywhere where people still live, are children who have lost their homes and parents. Abandoned, hungry, and in rags, defenseless and humiliated, they wander through the world. Hunger drives them. Little streams of orphans merge into a river which rushes forward and submerges everything in its path. The children do not know any feeling; they know only the world of their enemies. They fight, steal, struggle for a mouthful of food, and violence is merely a means to get it. A gang led by Cahoun finds a refuge in an abandoned castle and encounters an old composer who has voluntarily retired into solitude from a world of hatred, treason, and crime. How can they find a common ground, how can they become mutual friends The castle becomes their hiding place but possibly it will also be their first home which they may organize and must defend. But even for this, the price will be very high.  To this simple story, the journalist, writer, poet, scriptwriter, movie director, and film theoretician Béla Balázs applied many years of experience. He and the director Géza Radványi created a work which opened a new postwar chapter in Hungarian film. Surprisingly, this film has not lost any of its impact over the years, especially on a profound philosophical level. That is to say, it is not merely a movie about war; it is not important in what location and in what period of time it takes place. It is a story outside of time about the joyless fate of children who pay dearly for the cruel war games of adults.  At the time it was premiered, the movie was enthusiastically received by the critics. The main roles were taken by streetwise boys of a children's group who created their roles improvisationally in close contact with a few professional actors, and in the children's acting their own fresh experience of war's turmoil appears to be reflected. At the same time, their performance fits admirably into the mosaic of a very complex movie language. Balázs's influence revealed itself, above all, in the introductory sequences an air raid on an amusement park, seen in a montage of dramatic situations evoking the last spasms of war, where, undoubtedly, we discern the influence of classical Soviet cinematography. Shooting, the boy's escape, the locomotive's wheels, the shadows of soldiers with submachine guns, the sound of a whistle—the images are linked together in abrupt sequences in which varying shots and expressive sharp sounds are emphasized. A perfectly planned screenplay avoided all elements of sentimentality, time-worn stereotypes of wronged children, romanticism and cheap simplification. The authors succeeded in bridging the perilous dramatic abyss of the metamorphosis of a children's community. Their telling of the story (the scene of pillaging, the assault on the castle, etc) independently introduced some neorealist elements which, at that time, were being propagated in Italy by De Sica, Rossellini, and other film artists. The rebukes of contemporary critics, who called attention to formalism for its own sake have been forgotten. The masterly art of cameraman Barnabás Hegyi gives vitality to the poetic images. His angle shots of the children, his composition of scenes in the castle interior, are a living document of the times, and underline the atmosphere and the characters of the protagonists. The success of the picture was also enhanced by the musical art of composer Dénes Buday who, in tense situations, inserted the theme of the Marseilaise into the movie's structure, as a motive of community unification, as an expression of friendship and the possibility of understanding.  Valahol Europaban is the first significant postwar Hungarian film. It originated in a relaxed atmosphere, replete with joy and euphoria, and it includes these elements in order to demonstrate the strength of humanism, tolerance, and friendship. It represents a general condemnation of war anywhere in the world, in any form.

  • 2010 10.0


    生无可恋的落魄青年尚万(车太贤 饰)屡次自杀未遂,最近一次被抢救醒来后发现自己竟能看见鬼魂。“烟鬼大叔”(高昌锡 饰)、“爱哭大婶”(张英南 饰)、“变态爷爷”和“吃货小鬼”都不请自来赖上了尚万,形影不离的粘在他身边。尚万求死不能、无奈苟活,还因为与鬼魂交流而频遭旁人白眼,烦恼更甚以往。为了请走难缠的四个鬼魂,尚万动身帮助他们完成在人间未了的心愿。在为鬼魂们奔走的过程中,他与善良的护士妍秀(姜艺媛 饰)渐渐靠近,生活也出现了新的转机。  就在尚万庆幸自己终于能摆脱缠人的鬼魂们时,曾被遗忘的一幕幕过往却突如其来的浮出水面。原来,那些鬼魂一直陪伴在他生命中的每一刻,从未曾离开……

  • 2010 9.0


    最近,城市里发生了可怕的杀人事件,一具被切割成6块的女尸的曝光和凶手的逍遥法外引起了社会的恐慌。作为休假的交换条件,搜查科研究员姜民浩(薛景求 饰)接下了这个棘手的案件。行事雷厉风行的他和推理天才闵瑞英(韩惠珍 饰)联手,调查取得了突飞猛进的进展,嫌疑人李圣浩( 柳承范 饰)的名字渐渐浮出水面。 李圣浩一经逮捕就对自己所犯的罪行供认不讳,可是姜民浩却发现事实并不是他所说的那么简单。就在这个节骨眼上,姜民浩的女儿突然失踪,他明白这绝对和李圣浩脱不了干系。李圣浩告诉姜民浩,若想要得知女儿的下落,就必须和他玩一个解谜的游戏——解开他留在尸体上的谜题。一场以生命为筹码的赌注开始了。

  • 1989 2.0

    金牌师姐 金牌師姐


  • 2017 9.0


      影片讲述了前苏联文学家丹尼尔·伊万诺维奇·哈尔姆斯,这位荒诞戏剧大师的一生。这部人物传记类影片将视线聚焦在哈尔姆斯的超现实主义作品上。 音乐与寂静,创作与匮乏,沉思与诙谐…… 年轻的纨绔子弟丹尼尔·伊万诺维奇,用英文单词“charms”和“harm”之间的谐音关联为自己取了笔名哈尔姆斯。他沉迷于文学界聚会,热衷于流言蜚语。他生活在社会中,却又与之完全隔离。他试图脱下时代的枷锁,却将自己深深陷入了现实的漩涡中。他的精神世界清晰而又模糊,充满了矛盾的对立面。 哈尔姆斯自视为一个天才,但却没有出版商愿意出版他的书籍,而他爱上的女人们也无一能够真正理解他的内心。经济困难和与现实脱轨的现状充斥着哈尔姆斯的生活。 他破旧的公寓、杂志社的办公室、列宁格勒的街道、河边的堤岸和城市的屋顶、他的热情澎湃、他所生活的世界,这一切,都成为了他生命的牢笼。他能否处理社会带来的...

  • 2020 6.0



  • 2019 1.0



  • 2019 2.0



  • 2021 1.0


    Brought to Los Angeles for treatment, a recovering junkie soon learns that the rehab center is not about helping people, but a cover for a multi-billion-dollar fraud operation that enlists addicts to recruit other addicts.

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